Having engaged and led across the government, military, business and the third sector, Samuel is well averse with leadership and as we begin to look at post Covid-19, we realise that the world is no longer standardised. It is becoming more diverse, localised and surprising. We have witnessed how the death of one American man in the US can have a global impact in the world. This means that we are about to experience a shift of influence which he calls the ‘age of individualism.’

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Over the last 20 years of transition, I’ve often heard, “I can’t have the career I want because I don’t have the right experience.”
I felt the same way when I began my career transition journey at the age of 22. It started broad, with wanting to better educate myself, or to own a business. Although these careers seemed vastly different, they all appealed to me.

Then I realised I was the main obstacle getting in the way of me pursuing my dream job.

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Once you discover who you are, the truth of knowing who you are, the truth will set you free. It will enable you to be the leader in your life and you truly can live a healthy, happy & prosperous life. Too many people wander through life waiting for opportunity to find them. They know they want things like a good job, a nice car, a nice home, love and friendship, but they have never really taken the time to be specific about what they want.

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While the debate about the future of work continues to get plenty of media coverage, much of it is of the alarmist ‘the robots are coming to take your job’ version. It makes for good press and interesting, populist stories. There are three things to think about if you have 10+ years left to work or run your business. I call them the WWW, not the world wide web or wild wild west Work, Workforce & Workplace.

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As the idea of a ‘job for life’ fades into the past, individuals are left with the prospect of having to transition between roles and employers more frequently. My dad only had one job for 29 years in the police force. As a boomer it would have been a straight forward transition for him, most likely into the broader security industry.

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The world has changed, in the last ten years we have seen a shift in the work place. We see checkouts at the shops being automated, we have cars ready to be driverless, we have cashiers being replaced by machines, we have TV on demand and online accounting software. Five years ago the world was in a different place. The digital transformation is shaping our way of lives from banking to retail, to entertainment, to food services. Virtually every company in every industry is shifting how they engage with customers and the markets. Perhaps the three major disruptors that we can all relate to would be Uber, Airbnb and Deliveroo. Then, along came Google Chrome, and several incredible products and services have been invented. People leave an old job behind and embark on second careers for a host of reasons. Other times, starting over isn’t by choice.

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The world has changed, in the last ten years we have seen a shift in the work place. We see checkouts at the shops being automated, we have cars ready to be driverless, we have cashiers being replaced by machines, we have TV on demand and online accounting software. Five years ago the world was in a different place. The digital transformation is shaping our way of lives from banking to retail, to entertainment, to food services.

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