“ I am truly humbled to receive this award and as a citizen of two commonwealth nations, this is a huge responsibility and many of the other finalist deserved this award more than me. I hope to uphold the values and image of British veterans both in the UK & globally but most importantly develop other veterans in accelerating their career, so one day, they too can become role models”.

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Because you don’t know everything. You can learn from someone else’s experience and mistakes ( or at least know what to look out for) and understand how things came to be the way they are now. One important things is mentors provide accountabilty; if you tell someone else that you are going to do something, you are much more likely to actually do it. In the end it is your career and your life. You are going to have to make the decisions using the best and complete information you have at the time.

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Being your best is about holding yourself to a higher standard and realising your full potential. We all have the need for belonging, and this need is met by pushing ourselves to a moderate level of achievement based on the society we live. Should we be letting other people set the pace for our success, or lack thereof?. Do you tend to base your own potential on the potential of the ‘the crowd’, and see those success as exceptions? Perhaps it is time to compare our potential and ability to the only person who really matters by leading ONESELF.

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